Getting Started with lcu-driver


An instance of Connector is responsible for holding both event handlers and create connections.

The connection instances will fire two events, ready and close and you can handle those using the decorators it provides.

from lcu_driver import Connector

connector = Connector()

async def connect(connection):
    print('LCU API is ready to be used.')

async def disconnect(connection):
    print('Finished task')


HTTP Requests

To easily make requests each connection provides a method wrapper around aiohttp.Request that allow us to make request without dealing with authentication or the port where it is running.

If you don’t know where to find the Client APIs documentation checkout out Rift Explorer.

from lcu_driver import Connector

connector = Connector()

async def connect(connection):
    summoner = await connection.request('get', '/lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner')
    print(await summoner.json())


You can find more about the method here.


from lcu_driver import Connector

connector = Connector()

async def connect(connection):
    print('LCU API is ready to be used.')'/lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner', event_types=('UPDATE',))
async def icon_changed(connection, event):
    print(f'The summoner {["displayName"]} was updated.')


If you close the client you may notice it will not stop running. That happens because by default, if you subscribed to any endpoint, it will look for new clients once it’s done.

To stop the connector once you disconnect runs all connection tasks you can use

def disconnect(connection):
    print('The client was closed')
    await connector.stop()

URL Patterns

What if you wanted to subscribe to all summoner events? You can simple register /lol-summoner/ and since it ends with a trailing slash it will match every event url starting with it.


Not ending with trailing slash‘/lol-summoner’) will only match /lol-summoner and will never be fired because the endpoint doesn’t exit.

Ending with trailing slash‘/lol-summoner/’) will match every event starting with it.

It will match: /lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner, /lol-summoner/v1/current-summoner/icon and /lol-summoner/v1/summoners

But not: /lol-perks/v1/pages